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by Alana Saab

Pub Date: June 25th, 2024
ISBN: 9780593686782
Publisher: Vintage

After a mental health crisis, a young woman seeks treatment in an attempt to reinhabit the outside world, and herself, again.

Norma is 27 years old, unhappy, anxious, desperate to break up with her girlfriend, and not totally convinced that the world around her is real. But what she really needs, she insists to her new therapist, is to finish her manuscript. Norma’s refrain continues as she meets with her therapist twice a week, panicking about climate change, skewering famous billionaires, and occasionally revealing a glimpse of her childhood. Interspersed with their therapy sessions are Norma’s stories, which she emphasizes are fiction. Although the stories are nearly identical to her life, this distinction is crucial to Norma. To Norma, life is a story, everyone is a character, and reality is a concept that cannot be defined by something as flimsy as genre. “When I was stuck in oblivion,” she tells her therapist, “my head used the second person a lot. As if the author was whispering secrets to the character, and the author and the character had the same voice so it was hard to distinguish one from the other.” As Norma navigates her relationship, her mental health crisis, and her manuscript, she works toward believing her therapist’s words: “You Can Get Better.” This portrait of mundanity is scattered with memento mori that plead to be noticed. There are times when Saab leans too heavily on her narrative devices, and the meta nods and storytelling stunts struggle to support the work as a whole. Still, Norma is acerbic, tenderhearted, and clever. The majority of the novel takes place in her mind, and it’s as fascinating a setting as any other.

A well-crafted spiral of a story with hope at its center.