Thirteen-year-old Abel lives in Drakopolis, a massive high-rise metropolis built by humans and the dragons that they’ve domesticated for labor.
After failing his Dragon Rider Academy entrance exam, Abel is sure he’ll never be able to fulfill his dream of riding a dragon. But when he discovers his sister is secretly a kinner, or gang member, the world he thought he knew is busted wide open. Not only is his sister involved in an anti-fascist kin, one with progressive revolutionary ideals, but their brother is climbing the ranks of the Dragon’s Eye police force; now, his older siblings are fighting on opposite sides of a growing war. Furthermore, Abel’s best friend, Roa, and their favorite teacher are also secretly kinners, and they recruit him into the world of illicit dragon fights, leading to the book’s brutal, climactic kin battle. After training extensively with a stolen dragon, Abel begins to question whether the domestication of Drakopolis’ dragons is as benevolent as the history books say and whether kins are more complex than the simple right or wrong dichotomy he believed. These bigger questions are left open, but it is implied that they will be explored in future entries. This series starter’s straightforward language, intriguing worldbuilding, and thoughtful, gutsy protagonist make it widely appealing. Roa is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, Abel’s chronically ill father is unemployed, and most characters are White.
An exciting, accessible romp with a hint of something deeper.
(Fantasy. 9-13)