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From the Wort Series series

by Alex Willan ; illustrated by Alex Willan

Pub Date: Sept. 12th, 2023
ISBN: 9781665921794
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

A holiday rivalry turns into a recipe for success.

A powder blue goblin with huge eyes looks right at readers and bemoans the fact that elves hog the holiday spotlight and that everyone thinks they are perfect. After all, goblins officiate at the Great Sock Slug Race, participate in Pigeon Plucking Day, and support Taco Tuesdays! And goblins work hard, too. The protagonist decides to go to the North Pole and prove once and for all that goblins are just as capable as elves. The goblin tries caring for reindeer, wrapping presents, and making toys, with disastrous but funny results. Being an elf is difficult until the goblin learns the secret: T.O.Y.S., or “Teamwork Optimizes Your Success.” Careful observation of the colorful, appealing Christmas-themed illustrations shows the goblin working alone at the beginning of the book while the elves collaborate. But after trying T.O.Y.S., the Goblin successfully completes some tasks that previously presented a challenge. In the end, the goblin embraces T.O.Y.S., or is that toys? The goblin is a relatable protagonist, and the story contains a solid message. Adults will chuckle at references to the Keebler-esque elf who bakes cookies in a hollow tree, the Elf on the Shelf, and the three elves associated with the “world’s loudest cereal.” The elves are depicted with an assortment of skin and hair tones. (This book was reviewed digitally.)

A Christmas tale that humorously imparts a teamwork lesson that can be practiced all year long.

(Picture book. 4-7)