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THE SUICIDE CLUB by Alexandra Wyman


What To Do When Someone You Love Chooses Death

by Alexandra Wyman

Pub Date: Nov. 21st, 2022
ISBN: 9781544533797
Publisher: Houndstooth Press

Wyman offers an account of a shocking topic and offers advice to those in similar situations.

In 2020, the author writes, she had a minor argument with her husband, Shawn, about the amount of time he was spending with friends; afterward, he drove from their Colorado home into the mountains, where he shot himself. In texts and social-media postings, he had asked for forgiveness and emphasized his love for the author and others. In the aftermath of the tragedy, the author experienced a painful funeral and veteran’s ceremony (Shawn had formerly been in the U.S. Navy) under burdensome Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, and a breakdown in relations with Shawn’s family. Alexandra also had to adjust to raising her toddler son as a single mother. Over the course of her narrative, she offers numerous asides to inform and comfort readers in similar straits, providing advice and hard lessons learned. She counsels those whose loved ones have committed suicide to “Ride the crazy waves until [the healing process] comes” and recommends taking time for themselves, including guilt-free self-care (yoga was a benefit for her, she says), therapy, focusing on positives, and not falling into the trap of believing one will never move forward. This is a brief, conversational work with short chapters that are sometimes only a few paragraphs in length. She draws on the work of a few other authors, including Nora McInerny and Debbie Ford, to offer further expertise on grief. Most of Wyman’s own material is anecdotal, backed up by commonsense recommendations. An appendix featuring practical financial advice and tips for getting one’s household affairs in order is both helpful and poignant.

Compassionate, practical, and sensible advice for grieving spouses.