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THE CATCH by Alison  Fairbrother


by Alison Fairbrother

Pub Date: June 21st, 2022
ISBN: 978-0-593-13429-0
Publisher: Random House

Ellie’s beguiling, charismatic father may have had four children with three different women, but Ellie came first, literally and in his heart, too. When his perplexing bequest indicates otherwise, the 20-something reporter will use—and misuse—all her skills to uncover the truth.

It’s 2012, and 24-year-old Eleanor Adler is living her post-college, first-real-job best life. She’s in Washington, D.C., sharing a shambolic group home with roommates who clerk for federal judges and work at embassies and B-list agencies. She’s a junior reporter for Apogee, a news startup that exists to get clicks and save journalism. She’s seeing Lucas, a married 39-year-old think tanker, who takes her on dates to the Union Station food court and Maryland suburbs where they won’t be seen. Ellie’s hashtag-adulting takes a sudden and sad grown-up turn when her father unexpectedly drops dead in his Chesapeake Bay home. Although not exactly well-off, he was careful with his legacy, leaving each family member—third wife Colette; their son, Van; second-marriage daughters Sadie and Anna—a meaningful totem of his love. Except Ellie, who got a plastic gingerbread-man tie rack. It’s 100% true that said plastic tie rack is a rather flimsy MacGuffin on which to hang a plot, and the central-casting characters (size 12 Ellie doesn’t fit in and loves reading; attractive herbalist Colette visits a shaman) aren’t exactly compelling. It’s also true that they’re good enough company, especially when punctuated by sharp, spot-on observations of journalism (“They can comment after we publish”) and Washington life (“Sometimes it seemed as if people in their mid-twenties did all the work in D.C.”), informed by the author’s own decade reporting in the capital.

Sure, go ahead and pack this for your next long weekend—it’s fun! That said, it doesn’t really need to make the trip home.