A sequel to The Planet Poachers and Rock of Three Planets, this finds Cherry and Johnny Dincum helping to relocate the prize...



A sequel to The Planet Poachers and Rock of Three Planets, this finds Cherry and Johnny Dincum helping to relocate the prize animals of Shikai after that planet's sun goes nova. Uncle Rol plays Noah but his choice of safe ports is a little shaky: the first place turns out to host vampirish flying reptiles; the second is populated by unscrupulous pirates and the third (which is the birthplace of that incorrigible mind-reading pet Queenie Rodk) is the most horrendous of all with Dink Just barely able to save the ship's crew from becoming robotic slaves. But all should be reassured that this Ark finally comes to rest on good old Terra familiar. The still rather spotty plotting and characterizations make this Just barely adequate entertainment even on a very young level.

Pub Date: Jan. 1, 1967


Page Count: -

Publisher: Putnam

Review Posted Online: N/A

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Jan. 1, 1967

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