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OUR VERY OWN DOG by Amanda McCardie Kirkus Star


by Amanda McCardie ; illustrated by Salvatore Rubbino

Pub Date: Feb. 14th, 2017
ISBN: 978-0-7636-8948-3
Publisher: Candlewick

A family lovingly adopts a dog with much preparation in this cheerful tale that’s full of helpful hints for aspiring dog owners.

When Sophie first arrives from the animal shelter she finds a home equipped with everything she needs: a bed, food, toys, collar—and most of all, kind, patient people. Together they teach Sophie commands, walk, bathe, and play with her, and ultimately earn her trust. The astute 4-year-old narrator affectionately notes Sophie’s mischievous side, as the pooch digs holes and innocently snatches sausages from the dinner table. Readers will fall for Sophie’s sweet antics while absorbing useful canine information. Playful illustrations fluidly communicate various situations and the accompanying emotions of Sophie and her dark-haired, light-skinned family. Done in mixed media, Rubbino’s drawings are spontaneous and full of energy. He masterfully creates a pleasing and entertaining visual narrative to accompany a story that largely presents factual information. Complete with an index and recommended reading, McCardie’s text successfully twines fiction with nonfiction.

Three cheers for Sophie! Perfect fuel for dog lovers’ fires.

(Picture book. 3-7)