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THE ABUNDANCE HABIT by Amanda Terry Hamm


120 Daily Exercises to Cultivate Joy and Success

by Amanda Terry Hamm

Pub Date: Oct. 24th, 2023
ISBN: 9798988635338
Publisher: Mad Muse Press

A self-empowerment guide offers a framework to develop an abundance mindset that will “make you a magnet for the things you want most in life.”

In this book, Hamm details her four-step system—“Say It, See It, Write It, Do It”—to “teach your brain how to think with a mindset of abundance.” The author shares how the framework can be used in “nine types of abundance that can affect every area of your life...abundances of self-worth, wealth, health, time, energy, love, joy, creativity, and career.” The “Say It” step requires saying out loud and with a smile both “I do” and “I am”–type “affirmations (programming statements)” and “I don’t” and “I am not”–type “cancellations (deprogramming statements),” with samples for each area. “See It” and “Write It” involve creating vision boards and journaling to explore abundance using these tools. For “Do It,” Hamm provides “a series of exercises that will help you behave in a manner favorable to your mindset goals,” such as having “Mindset Money” (keeping but not spending cash in your wallet to motivate saving and the envisioning of future wealth) and writing a “Love List” of worthy qualities in people. “When you appreciate the people around you, they subconsciously reciprocate,” the author asserts. Hamm acknowledges upfront that hers is “not a new concept” and refers to authors Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, and others for further reading. But her system stands on its own merits as a practical and powerful method, having been road-tested by Hamm’s own mindset shift to build a thriving martial-arts business with her husband and transform their turbulent relationship. The “Do It” exercises, for example, are among the ones that she and her husband implemented as they “reprogrammed our thinking to stop avoiding failure and, instead, envisioned our success.” Her book delivers an array of useful prompts, examples, and exercises for readers to chart their own “path to abundance” journeys.

Inspiring and actionable advice to help readers envision and achieve desired goals.