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by Ame Dyckman ; illustrated by Zachariah OHora

Pub Date: Feb. 17th, 2015
ISBN: 978-0-316-22614-1
Publisher: Little, Brown

A tongue-in-cheek tale of a wolf in Bunny clothing.

The Bunnys live in a garden-level (which is Brooklyn for “basement”) apartment and come home one day to find a basket holding a baby wolf at their door. Young Dot grasps the situation right away: “HE’S GOING TO EAT US ALL UP!” she exclaims. But Mama and Papa are charmed by how much he eats and how well he sleeps and even how well he drools (on Dot). Dot sticks to her line, however, even when her little brother—now much bigger than she is and clad in a giant pink bunny suit—accompanies her to the Carrot Patch, the local organic co-op. There in the produce department is a bear! He thinks Wolfie is dinner! Dot fiercely and feistily defends her brother, and when the bear dismisses her as a bunny and announces he is bigger, she responds that she’s HUNGRY and she will start munching on the bear’s TOES. The bear runs away; the siblings go home. It’s pretty adorable. OHora’s stark acrylics, with strong black line and accents, make use of few colors (shades of red, gray and gold) to good effect. Dot’s perpetual scowl is particularly acute.

Add to the growing collection of sibling stories, adoptive and otherwise, that delight and instruct.

(artist’s note, author’s note) (Picture book. 4-8)