This piquant tale chronicles a duo’s campaign to improve their social position prior to junior high. Lydia and Julie embark upon a reconnaissance mission to determine what makes a person popular in order to apply this knowledge to their own lives. As they navigate changes in their perspectives and subsequently their friendship, the pair discovers heretofore-unknown strengths. With a keen eye, Ignatow depicts the more comical aspects of teen angst, such as Julie’s utter horror upon hearing the new student has written her a love song in Norwegian—to be sung before the entire school. The inclusion of several well-defined supporting characters adds dimension to the tale. The journal-style format contributes to the tale’s authenticity, with each girl providing a distinctive narrative voice. Liberally spread throughout the text, the acerbic, witty, full-color illustrations illuminate the girls’ perspective. Alternately poignant and uproarious, this is a satisfying addition to the tween genre. (Fiction. 9-13)