The lives of a disparate group of people in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village unexpectedly become intertwined.
A brownstone, a bar, and a baby—these create the sweet spot where the lives of a group of people intersect. In the brownstone are Lauren Shaw, a potter; her husband, Leo Aston, a professor; their three children, Charles, Harrell, and Waverly; Lauren's mother, Evelyn; and Philip, an antiques expert and Leo's gay biological father. Then there's Olivia, the children's nanny; Todd, a freelance sound engineer and Olivia’s former boyfriend; Melinda, a receptionist at the children’s school; Russell, Melinda's ex-husband, philanderer, real estate lawyer, and father to the aforementioned baby; Felicity, a TV home-makeover expert and mother to said baby; and Dan, Olivia's father and owner of the Sweet Spot—the bar below the brownstone. And, of course there's the baby: formally Horatio, informally Hank. Melinda, enraged by how her husband of nearly 30 years has destroyed her life by having an affair and leaving her—although the resulting destruction of her career and possessions was all her own doing—is hellbent on revenge against Russell, Felicity, and Lauren (who she has been told convinced Russell to leave her). As Melinda wreaks havoc, she causes Olivia to be fired. The story follows Melinda’s efforts to destroy, her realization that revenge is not as satisfying as she’d hoped, and the way most of the group comes together to take care of the innocent caught at the center of it all—Hank. There is an engaging whirlwind of characters, an exploration of unruly and conflicting emotions, and an investigation of whether a lifelong monogamous marriage or a heteronormative family unit are the only places familial happiness lies.
Staged much like a play or TV show, this is another enjoyable exploration of the messiness of life from Poeppel.