An excellent story opening up many new angles on the seventeenth century—exciting and well-written-for girls. Johanna Lovell had always followed the drum on the continent, but when her father died, she and her brother returned to England to claim their fortune. The cards were stacked against them, they never attained their quiet house in the English country-side, but rather, after fearful experiences found peace in Maryland in the New World. In 1661 in the most Gestapo-like manner, Gerrit, the brother, was thrown into a ghastly jail. By taking the place of a dead fellow-prisoner, he escaped to the questionable freedom of a bondsman, went to Bermuda, then Maryland. With great courage, Johanna followed him across the treacherous seas. The pictures of prison life, marauding soldiers, life at sea, slave markets, early manor life in Maryland, the cruelty of owners and much else, are exceedingly well done. Girls will realize what strength and persistance it took in those days to fight through life—present day hardships will not seem so difficult.