Girls failed by authorities take justice into their own hands—if only Cass knew whom to take vengeance on.
Five months after escaping an abduction attempt, Cass’ life is still held captive thanks to mysterious letters from her attacker, letters that demonstrate he can get to her at any time. After the victim-blaming and doubts she faced from the police after the attack, she gives up and suffers in silence until realizing that other girls around her have been abandoned to face their own demons. Margot was pressured into a more physical relationship than she was ready for and is now being blackmailed with photographic proof of it. Ori wants to take down a racist teacher who thus far has been shielded by powerful connections. Nomi wants to prevent her abusive former stepfather from hurting anyone else. The four come together in a revenge pact, becoming “dangerous girls” in order to scheme against their abusers and hunt down Cass’ stalker. While the plots against the known antagonists are straightforward if risky, the larger storyline centers on untangling Cass’ mystery. It’s a twisted, convoluted whodunit with unexpected connections—at times, readers might question motives, but the dangerous situations and fast pace help keep things moving as Cass and her friends continue playing with fire while doing their best to avoid lasting consequences. Ori’s Black; Nomi’s Japanese American; other main characters are White.
An alternately poignant and action-packed revenge fantasy.
(Thriller. 13-18)