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A DEATH ON W STREET by Andy Kroll Kirkus Star


The Murder of Seth Rich and the Age of Conspiracy

by Andy Kroll

Pub Date: Sept. 6th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-5417-5114-9
Publisher: PublicAffairs

An unfortunate young man goes from murder victim to QAnon icon.

Seth Rich was a junior staffer with the Democratic National Committee’s “team of brainy lawyers and wonky data analysts devoted to protecting and expanding the right to vote.” In July 2016, someone shot him twice in the back, presumably in the course of a robbery. Within days, writes ProPublica investigative reporter, conspiracy theories began to pop up on the internet. At first, suspicions that Rich died for “knowing too much” came from Bernie Sanders supporters. When the WikiLeaks dump of stolen DNC documents revealed that the organization was working against Sanders, the theory took a sadly predictable turn: Hillary Clinton had ordered Rich’s killing. Soon the #IAmSethRich meme took a hard right turn. When Donald Trump entered the White House, he “represented a new style of conspiracy theorist. Unlike those of Alex Jones or the Birchers, his theories didn’t attempt to explain the world. They didn’t connect any dots or try to make sense of seemingly disparate events.” The buzz around Rich’s death intensified, soon to fall down the rabbit hole of the Trump internet cult, the Pizzagate set, and, far worse, Fox News, with Laura Ingraham decrying the “aggressive lack of curiosity” of the mainstream media in the case and Sean Hannity acting as a one-man amplifier of a matter that quickly became QAnon gospel. All ignored the plea of Rich’s parents: “Stop politicizing our son’s murder.” Kroll singles out Fox as the worst offender, but he doesn’t spare Julian Assange, either, for missing an “opportunity to issue a clarification that could provide a semblance of solace and resolution for a grieving family.” Lawsuits were filed, judgments rendered, apologies and retractions issued—but still, as the author writes in this thoroughgoing, riveting narrative, the lies continue to this day.

An exemplary investigation, exactly as the author describes it: “a true-crime story for the post-truth era.”