Another visit to planet Pern (The Dolphins of Pern, 1994, etc.), home of the famous Dragonriders, who—mounted on their genetically engineered, flying native dragons (with whom they form a mental bond)—battle the deadly corrosive lifeform known as Thread that periodically threatens the planet. Two centuries have passed since Thread last fell. The colonists have lost the last of their Earth-derived technology and now face the problem of how to ensure that their descendants know when to expect Threadfall and how to deal with it. As volcanic eruptions and terrible storms herald the approach of the baleful Red Star and its Thread, Dragonriders K'vin and Zulaya train their squadrons as best they can. But one Lord Holder, Chalkin of Bitra, rejects even the possibility of Threadfall (such an eventuality would disrupt his gambling habits), refuses to make any preparations, and continues to run his Hold like the worst of feudal fiefs. Elsewhere, inventor Clisser devises teaching ballads to educate future generations about Thread, and talented young artist Iantine falls in love with dragonrider Debera. Comfortably cozy and domestic: an undramatic but meticulously detailed entry that should satisfy most dragonfans.