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What Animals on Earth Reveal About Aliens—and Ourselves

by Arik Kershenbaum

Pub Date: March 16th, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-984881-96-0
Publisher: Penguin Press

If extraterrestrials exist, Darwin’s theory of evolution may provide a powerful key to determining how aliens live and behave.

As technologies used to explore the universe become more sophisticated, scientists are increasingly optimistic that life outside of Earth may exist. In this enjoyable and informative book, Cambridge zoologist Kershenbaum argues that because the theory of natural selection and the laws of biology are universal, they can be applied to habitats other than Earth to understand how complex life may evolve in those places. The author explains that much of evolution relates to predictable patterns of problem-solving, whether the result is propelling through water using fins, walking on two legs, or soaring through the air using wings. “Convergent evolution is not just a phenomenon restricted to life on Earth,” writes Kershenbaum. “The same principles that lead birds and bats to evolve similar solutions will also lead alien birds and bats to fly.” In captivating detail, the author explores how the concept of convergent evolution can be used to deduce how aliens may use language and communication, socialize, move, and develop organic and artificial intelligence. Depending on the habitat, alien life may be strikingly similar to that on Earth, or aliens may exist in a dark, wet world and communicate using electricity—just one example of how odd alien life may be even as it exists within universal physical laws. The author successfully conveys tricky subjects without sacrificing clarity or letting his narrative get buried in technical discussions, and he writes with an enthusiasm that is infectious despite the fact that his core argument—that alien life must exist—has no empirical evidence. This is a fun, rewarding journey, and by the end, his analysis teaches readers as much about life on Earth as it does elsewhere.

A fresh take on an always fascinating subject.