A well-intentioned haimisher preachment about a youngish rabbi plumping for the spiritual heritage of Judaism amid the accommodating, blandly assimilative ""Jewishness' of his congregation in suburban Greenlake. When Bob Barrett, President of the congregation, demands that the rabbi be asked to resign because of immorality, the Executive Committee is stunned. Flashbacks reveal the real cause of Barrett's discontent behind the trumped up charge which reflects his own philandering. It seems that the rabbi was disaffected with important matters like bowling teams and golf clubs and extravagant Bar Mitzvahs; insisted on vigorous self-examination in matters of prejudice toward other groups; refused to take a calm and non-involved position after an anti-Semitic incident. Warily, then aggressively, the rabbi was apt to demand of individuals and of the congregation a religious awareness, community concern, and identification with a meaningful Jewish tradition. The Rabbi fails but Greenlake has taught him much; he and his wife reach a new understanding; and he leaves with hope. Temple machers especially will enjoy.