In a wordless sequel to the wordless Oink (1991), the eight piglets leave their sleeping mother and sally forth, using a handy wheeled chute as a seesaw to get over their pen's fence into a cornfield, where they garner ears of corn, then gleefully escape their pursuing mother for a picnic on a nearby island. As Mom catches up, they flee home, where she cleverly thwarts their new attempt to get out. To anyone who's ever dealt with pigs on the run, the reiterated ``oinks'' that appear in different sizes and configurations in each frame are as funny and evocative as the enthusiastic crowd of piglets, moving with a single will from episode to episode of their escapade. Geisert's etchings are always beautifully designed and crafted; tinting the pigs pink is a nice touch. A joyful adventure. (Picture book. 3-8)