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THE POLITICS OF FEAR by Arthur Goldwag


The Peculiar Persistence of American Paranoia

by Arthur Goldwag

Pub Date: March 5th, 2024
ISBN: 9780593467060
Publisher: Vintage

QAnon cousins? Here’s your field guide to their eldritch politics.

“Populist politicians win when enough voters feel like they’re losing,” writes Goldwag, author of The New Hate. Like David Bennett’s Party of Fear, this book traces a right-wing political movement that exploits widespread fears of deep-seated conspiracies and absurd theories of ethnic “replacement.” Such things were once whispered; now they’re shouted, as when Doug Mastriano, the Republican candidate for Pennsylvania’s governorship against Josh Shapiro, the victor in 2022, pilloried the “privileged, exclusive, elite” Jewish day school Shapiro had attended as a child. Not to be outdone, House Republican Conference chair Elise Stefanik tweeted the alarmist charge that Biden’s White House “& the usual pedo grifters” were keeping baby formula off the market by sending “pallets of formula to the southern border” to distribute it free to undeserving immigrants. All hokum, of course, but Stefanik and Mastriano worked the Trumpian “I love the poorly educated” trope, race and education being the two things that most sharply divide American voting blocs. Thus, Goldwag writes, uneducated white Americans floated Trump into office, many of them having swallowed whole the “paranoid style of conspiracism” in which a Washington, D.C., pizza parlor was the locus of child sex trafficking and that Jews “promote miscegenation and vice” in order to weaken Christian America. The result is a spasmodic era of hatred and violence based on “narratives [that] simultaneously frighten and reassure, because they present a world without moral ambiguity.” Unlike other recent students of conspiracy theory, Goldwag sees little hope that the narrative can be pointed in the direction of truth: Trump may go away, but Trumpism will endure, and “we might not recognize his successor until it is too late.”

A sharp survey of the political landscape guaranteed to seed nightmares among the sensible, educated, and progressive.