The editors of a popular sports publication rank the best 100 players in NFL history.
Lead editors and panel members Dan Pompei and Mike Sando lay out the criteria for “the most irresistible exercise in sports: ranking the all-time greats,” including Hall of Fame membership, Pro Bowl appearances and All-Pro selections, metrics for various positions, and the more subjective difficulties of comparing different eras with different rules and attempting to guard against recency bias. The editors rank the 100 honorees in descending order, accompanied by feature articles written by several contributors that offer enlightening vignettes about each player's background, skills, and attributes on and off the field. Hardcore and casual fans alike may head directly for the chapter about O.J. Simpson, which happens to be one of the most compellingly written profiles in the book. Overcoming recency bias may well have been impossible; of the top 10, the panel included seven players who played in the 1980s, 1990s, or 21st century. As they always do with such lists, purists will have many problems with the order, especially given rule changes and the varying levels of competition. For example, how can Tom Brady be ranked ahead of Joe Montana, when Montana remained vulnerable to crushing hits by some of the greatest defenses in league history just to get to the Super Bowl, while Brady played in an era that protected quarterbacks and ran roughshod over an outmatched NFC East division? Of course, such exercises in ranking are often fool's errands. Perhaps it's best to take the approach of the late Green Bay Packers great Ray Nitschke (ranked 66th), who made it his business to remind newly enshrined Hall of Famers that no honored player loomed larger than any other. But what’s the fun in that? If Brady and Jim Brown are 1 and 2, who’s no. 3? The book includes forewords by Bruce Smith and Mike Ditka.
An engaging book that NFL fans will love and argue over endlessly.