Fans of Kate and Jim McMullan’s I Stink! (2002) will welcome this look-alike, sound-alike return visit, as a pair of bright green trucks with backward-looking red eyes and huge mouths (even, in one startling scene, an oversized tongue) consume with relish a smorgasbord of broken furniture and garbage: “Rotten eggs? / Apple cores? / Pack ’em in—the engine ROARS. / Stinky diapers? / Coffee grounds? / Load it UP and smash it DOWN.” It’s all served up by a crew of cheerful pigs in overalls as an audience of dogs (plus a pair of exuberant piglets in an upstairs room, awakened by the din) looks on. Coloring the urban backdrops purple for this predawn banquet, Hillenbrand effectively captures the ickiness of all the soiled or overripe “entrées,” but leaves the sidewalks and battered cans neat and litter free as the trucks careen off to their next stop. Young audiences will be happy to crash and bash right along with these familiar mechanical Wild Things. (Picture book. 6-8)