Through full scale analysis of the political and cultural values which have shaped British policy toward a free Jewish state-beginning with anthropological affinities and ending in the Balfour Declaration- the author has achieved even more than her goal of explication. This book is outstanding for its historical grasp and originality, but it also synthesizes the countless forces of religious evolution, tradition, ethical belief, esthetic criteria, expansionist spirit, and quest for security, of which mass psychology and national character- at least in England- are compounded. The reader discovers in the 2000 year long struggle with the "Jewish question" the variety and complexity of motives which enter into all national destinies. The author is flexible but tireless in her method. She draws parallels between the resistance of Britain and Jude to Roman rule; she cites military tactics, and the historical role which merest accident plays in war; she places Britain's attitude toward Zionism in the context of foreign policy with all major powers; she interprets the effects of Disraeli's fiction, Byron's poetry, T. E. Lawrence's probe and she scotches such fairy tales as that the contribution of acetone led to the Balfour proposal.... A provocative piece of research and interpretation, for lasting if modest sales to libraries, students of history and the new country- Israel