From the “tat tats” of a woodpecker to the “tzik” of a hummingbird, this is an appealing day-long countdown of birdsongs, accompanied by short descriptions of some typical activities for each bird mentioned. Jenkins’s signature cut-paper collages depict the birds so accurately they can easily be identified. Unfortunately, some identifications will be different from the words in the text. The “red-capped woodpecker” is clearly red-headed, the “chipping sparrows” are house sparrows and chickadees are more usually named for their black caps than their white cheeks. Although parents and caregivers drawn by the naturalistic detail will be put off by this mislabeling, young listeners may be more engaged by the game of counting the birdsongs: ten tats, nine coos, eight chips and so on, ending with the mockingbird’s lovely nighttime rendition of all she has heard during the day. “Feathery facts” in the last two pages add something about each species. A commendable concept that just misses the mark. (Picture book/nonfiction. 3-7)