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HOW WARS ARE WON by Bevin Alexander


The 13 Rules of War from Ancient Greece to the War on Terror

by Bevin Alexander

Pub Date: Nov. 1st, 2002
ISBN: 0-609-61039-2
Publisher: Crown

Alexander (How Hitler Could Have Won World War II, 2000, etc.) illuminates each of his 13 “rules” by using historical conflicts where conformity to one of the rules carried the day. Of concern to readers is how the rules might apply today in combating terrorists. One could simplify these rules by pointing out that the military is taught to exploit above all the element of surprise coupled with the ever-popular concept of divide-and-conquer. In parallel thought, Alexander lists, among others, holding one place, striking another while employing a superior weapon. He extensively discusses warfare from almost everywhere, including the final ousting of the British from New York by George Washington, Napoleon’s various exploits, Civil War battles, and others in both world wars, Korea, and Vietnam. All are well reported. Lastly, he takes up the tragedy of September 11. Today, war is no longer conducted en masse, since it is far too dangerous. Rather, increasing attention must be given to preventing attacks by small groups of suicide-bent individuals using novel means of destruction like commandeered commercial aircraft striking at weakness.

For warriors as well as the general public.