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WE CAN ALL DO BETTER by Bill Bradley


by Bill Bradley

Pub Date: May 8th, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-59315-729-6
Publisher: Vanguard/Perseus

The three-term Democratic senator shares his political perspective and primary concerns for the United States.

Bradley (The New American Story, 2007, etc.) is worried about the spreading contempt for Congress and the increasing tendency for the concept of public service to be replaced by a sense of entitlement and the self-perpetuation of elites. The author also focuses on the economy, discussing what has gone wrong and offering his own views on possible solutions—not only through public investment in infrastructure, but also through imaginative reforms of the tax code. He takes matters further in a broad-ranging discussion of how recent transformations in domestic and foreign policy have begun to undermine the American way of life based on upward mobility. He is particularly contemptuous of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which “sits at the center of selling America to the highest bidder.” However, Bradley is clear that government is not the problem and that there can be no prosperity without government. He affirms the bipartisan political tradition of promotion of the general welfare and highlights what he calls “horse-trading for a noble purpose,” which has made possible some of the greatest achievements in American history. The author does not support the automatic recourse to military force to solve international problems, and he believes the challenge from China will depend more on economic competition than military conflict. He does not believe the two parties should have a monopoly on the political process, and he supports increasing openness as in other countries—epitomized in this electoral cycle by the efforts of Americans Elect, a group intent on challenging the country’s nominating process.

An important contribution to the national discussion with appeal to independents as well as the more traditionally party-minded.