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by Bill Wallace and Carol Wallace

Pub Date: Nov. 1st, 2009
ISBN: 978-0-8234-2228-9
Publisher: Holiday House

Hoss is boss dog on the farm, responsible for the safety of both cows and four-year-old Ann, but a new bull calf challenges his authority. The German shepherd narrates, stressing the indignities he suffers at the hands of the child, the many responsibilities that keep him from getting a good nap and the unpredictable behavior of the calf, who arrives bawling and brawling. Is Ann in danger? Can the calf calm down enough to become the new herd bull? Though calf and child quickly bond, there are genuine threats looming. Young readers attracted by the animal narrator may be disturbed by the lengthy, graphic dog fight in which Hoss attempts to protect his charge from being eaten by wild dogs. They will have no difficulty getting the message as Hoss learns that niceness is more effective than scare tactics for training a calf. The disruptive newcomer is a plot device the authors have used before; purchase where their other books are popular. (Fantasy. 9-12)