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by Bonni Goldberg ; illustrated by Alida Massari

Pub Date: Dec. 5th, 2023
ISBN: 9781728466996
Publisher: Kar-Ben

A unique true story from Jewish history.

A young girl named Gracia learns from her family how—and why—to practice her religion in secret. In the 16th-century Iberian Peninsula, “all religions except Christianity were against the law,” so her family hid their traditions from the outside world. As an adult, Gracia marries another Sephardic man who controls ships that import “spices and silks from the Indies”; once widowed, she takes over his business. Building wealth and favor by giving lavish gifts to the king in exchange for a promise that he won’t arrest secret Jews, Gracia uses her power to help other clandestine Jews. She even engineers an escape for herself and others, guided by the principle that “a person who saves even one life saves a whole world,” by hiding people on one of her ships bound for Antwerp. The rich, dark colors of the illustrations are often overlaid with patterns resembling an ancient tapestry, adding texture and depth to otherwise staid scenes. This zoomed-in look at long-ago but still relevant history ably describes a complex political situation to younger readers, revealing an interesting figure making a difference despite incredible odds. The book will most likely appeal to an older picture-book audience with an interest in history and human rights, and it may start conversations about being true to oneself and working for a community.

Quiet but strong.

(author’s note) (Picture book. 6-9)