Mr. Vian has a freelance imagination which seems unemployed in this his first novel to be translated into English. There is a plot. Cherubic Colin falls in love with lithe Chloe, they marry but she becomes ill (a ""water lily"" in the lung) and finally dies in a flowery finish. In the meantime there are scenes. . . Colin playing with fat buttery kitchen mice; his friend Chick eating eel pie (the eel came out of a drain of course); window shopping and noticing an ex-cook's stomach on display; and social gatherings where they all discuss ""Jean Sol Partre."" The images run from the silly to the gross--""Under Chick's (napkin) there was a copy of Vomit, bound in half-skunk and under Alise's a huge nausea-shaped gold ring."" Vomit indeed!