This anthology of paranormal and weird hypotheses double-jumps all across the Cosmic Game board with a lot of "childlike capacity for fantasy." "Truth is fiction" in the editors' ontology of things and what does it matter if "one can get lost in imagination"? By the evidence of Timothy Leary's contribution here on Extraterrestrial Intelligence, it must be true what they say about his LSD aftereffects. Nada-Yolanda, another blown mind, reinterprets the Bible as an account of a tribe from Lake Tahoe. A UFO-watcher answers the pressing question: "Where is Heaven?" D. Scott Rogo and Yogi Ramacharaka take off into the astral plane. Then there's more on the godhead, "hypnogogic" states, Atlantis, the mystery of the Rosetta Stone and other popular superstitions. A bit of this, a pinch of that, toads' eyes and bat brains.