The Source ("you are communicating with a veiled force field") speaks through one Louis Gitter who lives in an old inn on Orcas Island off the coast of Washington. When the Source speaks Louis' Man Friday fights a fire and covers him with a blanket because "for the moment his body is dead." Naturally the Source talks in veiled parables and many have compared Louis' "sleeping advice" to Edgar Cayce who, as a matter of fact, once gave Louis' mother pre-natal readings on him. It is Louis' mission on earth to establish Light Centers to charge our spiritual batteries — there is already one Louis Foundation and mankind needs more. The Source holds forth on many things. On God ("God is all things"); on humility ("you can drive a Cadillac and still be humble"); on sex ("It is obvious that you do not need to have physical intercourse to partake of real sex"). It's also obvious that you don't need the Source to partake of God or humility or sex.