The animals need the fire, but how will they get it?
According to Cherokee tradition, when the animals needed fire to keep them warm during cold nights, Great Thunder and his sons, the Thunder Boys, invoke a lightning bolt to strike and light fire to a lone sycamore tree. Seeing that the tree is located on a tiny island in the middle of a lake, the animals have a meeting to decide how to bring the fire back across the water. Raven tries, but his white feathers are scorched black in his unsuccessful attempt. Screech Owl, Hoot Owl, and Horned Owl all try, but the smoke nearly blinds them, permanently affecting their eyes. Racer Snake and Great Black Snake are also unsuccessful. Finally Water Spider, a tiny savior, boldly creates an ingenious way to bring fire back to the animal community, the bowl she weaves with her silk to carry an ember back becoming a permanent marking on her back. Black-outlined characters have a friendly, Saturday morning–cartoon look that nevertheless carries the story’s gravitas well. Moments of humor—Racer Snake swimming with a comically determined look on his face—balance painful ones. The animals sitting in solemn counsel are a combination of recognizable North American critters and some that are not so familiar, emphasizing that this is a story of creation. Wagnon is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, and therapist Stephenson serves the Cherokee Nation.
A heartwarming tale of kinship and community.
(Picture book/cosmology. 5-8)