A sweeping fantasy story set in an original and richly detailed world.
Kaladin used to be a soldier. Now he’s a slave, and after 10 escape attempts, he’s decided he’s resigned to his fate. But he can’t get away from a strangely intelligent windspren—a creature that should be an ephemeral, mindless sprite—who’s been following him for months and is starting to ask tough questions about why he’s given up fighting for what’s right. Shallan has left her sheltered home life to pursue a desperate plan to rescue her family from financial ruin. First, she must persuade the brilliant scholar-princess Jasnah to take her on as a student. From there her task only becomes more difficult. The fates of Kaladin and Shallan and thousands of others hinge on the progress of the war for the Shattered Plains, a war that the great warrior Dalinar Kholin is beginning to doubt is right, thanks to the mysterious visions that visit him whenever a highstorm comes. This tale takes place in an unusual and intricately imagined world populated by enormous crustaceans and multiple colorful civilizations and scoured by the immensely powerful highstorms. The attention to worldbuilding makes this a fantasy fan’s dream, but Sanderson (The Well of Ascension, 2017, etc.) doesn’t neglect his characters, giving each of them a fully realized emotional life and high personal stakes to fight for.
The vast scope of this book and the main characters’ compelling journeys make it an epic worthy of the name—and a real treat for fantasy fans.