The popular characters of Anderson’s comic-strip series Dog Eat Doug successfully transition to the picture book in a joyous celebration of the universal glee felt by toddlers trying to outwit and outrace their grown-ups. Perking along at a rollicking pace, jaunty rhymes follow the mayhem as a toddler and pup avoid their bedtime. The cherubic tot and faithful sidekick rampage through the house, hiding in closets and cupboards and underneath couches and beds, in an attempt to prolong the inevitable. “No time for nighty night, sleepy sleeps,” becomes the refrain as they wreak havoc and have a prodigiously good time. The skewed perspectives of the heavily pigmented illustrations nicely complement the rambunctious verses—not even readers’ eyes can take a rest. The expressive pictures form a vital part of the tale, relaying as much of the story as the text. While it may not be conducive for somnolent evenings, this is pure good fun for little ones. (Picture book. 2-5)