The award-winning Hollywood producer recounts how his skill in effectively making human connections has directly contributed to his successful career and home life.
In this upbeat though somewhat redundant follow-up to his previous book, A Curious Mind (2015), Grazer takes readers on a loose anecdotal journey through his life and career highlights, sparked by many memorable personal encounters. As a young boy struggling with the limitations and awkwardness of undiagnosed dyslexia, Grazer came to realize that books and classroom study weren’t going to provide his ideal path for learning. Instead, acquiring the ability to form meaningful human connections, starting with direct eye contact, would ultimately provide the results he desired. “To this day, connecting with people is still how I learn best,” writes the author. “More than that, it has become a central practice in every aspect of my life….It is my secret to getting things done, reaching my goals, and feeling energized and empowered. It’s how I thrive, how I grow, how I feel fulfilled, and how I feel purpose. Without doubt, I would not have the life I have today if I didn’t make the effort to genuinely connect with others.” Grazer goes on to describe the particulars of these many encounters, including the inspiring lessons he learned from master communicators such as Oprah Winfrey; his efforts building trust with temperamental artistic talents like Eddie Murphy, Spike Lee, and Eminem; and his methods for overcoming his anxiety about public speaking. Grazer is an amiable storyteller, and his reasoning can be persuasive. However, his examples too often cast a light on his achievements as a Hollywood insider rather than being relatable. As an influential film and TV producer, the odds are stacked in his favor that most individuals would want to interact with him. Here, he rarely summons up more common obstacle examples that would affect an average Joe.
A retread of themes and content explored in his previous book, mainly of interest to fans of Grazer’s work.