A hastily assembled band of shrews, hedgehogs, and squirrels, led by a detachment of hares from the Long Patrol, marches out to defend Redwall Abbey from a horde of vicious rats in Jacques's latest installment (The Pearls of Lutra, p. 59, etc.). Under a new Firstblade, Damug Warfang, the thousand Rapscallions left after a failed assault on Long Patrol headquarters at Salamandastron set their sights on Redwall Abbey when they learn its southern wall is in desperate need of repair. Fortunately for the abbey's peaceful residents and many younglings, a platoon of the Long Patrol, including frisky new recruit Tamello De Fformelo Tussock, arrives to coordinate defense, and so does a relief column from Salamandastron. Jacques uses the winning formula developed in his earlier books, pitting treacherous, stupid, bloodthirsty woodland predators against heroic, commonsensical—and mostly vegetarian—good guys; opening with skirmishes, ballads, and feasts described in loving detail; breaking off, though never for long, for more meals and songs; building up to a climactic, seesaw battle; then finishing with a wedding, more feasting and verse, and a long-delayed homecoming. Fans will find characters and connections from previous books, the familiar thick dialect, delicious language, dashing action, and the comforting happy ending they've learned to expect. (Fiction. 11-13)