Coincidence, magic, angels, demons and flat characters muddle through the third and final volume of this series. The disparate elements of the first two novels come together: Odyllic Force is the Sleeping Giant of mythology and might be able to stop Dr. Sigmundus, who wants to end the world by building a bridge from hell (Nakara) to the Resurrection Fields, where the dead joyfully move on. Dante segues from central to secondary character (he is disembodied and stuck in a bird) while Bea takes over as primary mover (helped considerably by running into her physician father). Thinly sketched characters and continually murky world building, sentences that tell without humor or style and entire sections (Nyro and Osman’s journey) that have no discernible bearing on the remainder of the story make this slow going. Readers who persevered through the second volume will be pleased to have pieces come together even if the literal deus ex machina renders any prior investment moot. Keaney displays some interesting if bleak ideas; it’s to be hoped that next time he can do them justice. (Fantasy. 12-16)