After a promising opening volume (dystopic government, plucky teens, rebellion), Keaney switches gears with volume two, which features angels and demon-like possession and sadly lacks any character or world development. Dante and Bea, separated and captured at the end of the trilogy opener, journey back to the rebels in order to continue the fight and to set the scene for the final book. The story lurches forward by means of awkward contrivances: A plane with a dead pilot appears just when escape is necessary; secondary characters are all willing to help Dante or Bea for no discernible reason; Dante suddenly has a guardian angel to give answers and push his understanding of Odyllic Force. Oh, and Dante has a twin brother (surprise!) who falls afoul of one of Dr. Sigmundus’s experiments and becomes a wolf-like creature able to track Bea and ravage the Púca. Indeed, Dante’s brother and guardian angel are all that propel the story. Muddled, confusing and poorly paced, with a shocker ending, this might sate fans of the first volume but won’t win new ones. (Fantasy. 12-16)