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WHERE'S AL? by Byron Barton


by Byron Barton

Pub Date: Sept. 21st, 1972
ISBN: 0395515823
Publisher: Seabury

Through city traffic that looks like it just emerged a little wobbly and shaken from Anne Rockwell's Thruway, a boy chases his runaway dog as the dog chases a cat. There are a few near misses as they dodge around trash can and traffic cop, but they are united at last in the midst of a double-page commotion caused by the dog: there is a cascade of fruit from an outdoor market onto the street, a consequent altercation between a street-washing sanitation truck and a hot dog cart, and an attendant back-up of cars and crowd of on-looking pedestrians. With no words but the few that come in cartoon-style bubbles from the boy's mouth and almost no details on the black-outlined shapes of primary color, this might be described as minimal pop and it's minimally amusing.