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WEED by Caitlin Donohue


Cannabis Culture in the Americas

by Caitlin Donohue

Pub Date: Sept. 5th, 2023
ISBN: 9781728429533
Publisher: Zest Books

A Mexico City–based journalist’s conversational exploration of the social context, possible harms, and potential benefits of cannabis.

Each brief chapter is based on an interview with an individual who has cannabis-related expertise, including a medical professional, a young medical marijuana patient, an edible cannabis consumer, a food media professional, a hemp-based construction specialist, an Indigenous activist, a drug education program professional, and a Uruguayan government policymaker. This information from a diverse group of North and South American voices is presented in a first-person essay format, providing a broad background covering history, economics, politics, and medical and recreational uses. The personal testimonies offer both expertise and authenticity, beginning with Donohue’s own story of first-time cannabis use at age 15 and subsequent journey through excess to moderation. The coverage of edibles includes recipes. Nonpsychoactive uses of cannabis and hemp are described, as are the consequences of criminalization, the complexities of legalization, and social protests. Sidebar definitions of key words, parenthetical explanations, and explorations of racism and racial justice in drug prohibitions add depth to readers’ understanding. Donohue does not skirt the real risks of cannabis, urging readers to wait until they are out of their teens to use it given the unknown risks to developing brains while emphasizing education and responsible use.

Solid research and a global perspective create a useful approach focusing on harm reduction.

(source notes, bibliography, additional resources, index) (Nonfiction. 14-18)