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CRISIS AVERTED by Caitlin Rivers


The Hidden Science of Fighting Outbreaks

by Caitlin Rivers

Pub Date: Oct. 8th, 2024
ISBN: 9780593490792
Publisher: Viking

Epidemiology has delivered critical advances in public health, according to an expert in the field.

The Covid-19 pandemic was a global tragedy, says Rivers, an epidemiologist who specializes in outbreak science, but it was also a crucial learning experience. As the first event of its size since the 1918 influenza pandemic, it provided tools, experience, and a heightened level of awareness about public health issues. It demonstrated, as well, that global coordination could take place despite political and cultural divisions. Rivers believes that accomplishments of public health are one of the great human success stories, boasting such remarkable achievements as the eradication of smallpox and the near-defeat of polio and several other plagues. The irony, however, is that some of the most important events in the field, when epidemics have been identified, contained, and defeated at an early stage, have gone largely unnoticed. There is, apparently, little media interest in people remaining healthy. Rivers tracks through the history of epidemiology, explaining how the pieces were gradually put together and the progress of epidemics was mapped. An effective response requires many players: doctors who first encounter the signs, a system for reporting, diagnosticians to define the pathogen, laboratory scientists to develop treatment methods and vaccines, and a reliable mechanism for delivery. New threats are appearing at an accelerating rate, with outbreaks that demand a large-­scale mobilization of resources occurring about every two years, notes Rivers. She is optimistic about the capacity of the system to respond, with national and international agencies providing important avenues for cooperation. The author clearly knows everything there is to know about her subject, and she writes with clarity, insight, and authority.

An informative, accessible package, useful as an examination of the road behind and the path ahead.