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An engrossing, inspiring read for lovers of dogs and humans alike.

The fascinating story of the woman working to address the “problem pet population” in Los Angeles.

In downtown L.A., Lori Weise is known as the Dog Lady, but her work is unlike the standard stories of Humane Society and pet adoption features. Mithers introduces Weise as a child, with her own beloved pet and personal suffering, before following her decades of work in Skid Row, South L.A., and Watts. Weise’s mission, which she calls the Downtown Dog Rescue, is to help poor and unhoused individuals keep and properly care for their pets, even as they battle demons like addiction, PTSD, and omnipresent violence. The author composes her vivid portrait from a series of stories about the people and animals Weise has helped, each indicative of how deeply a person’s well-being is connected to the well-being of their pets. Weise’s work has dovetailed with initiatives like the rise of no-kill shelters, the demonization of pit bulls, and the promotion of “adopt don’t shop” by celebrities. Mithers dutifully outlines these movements and their problems, providing eye-opening financial details, revelations of discriminatory adoption policies, and a jaw-dropping account of pet hoarders. As Weise has discovered, the biggest problem with the usual rescue paradigm, laced with judgment, “was neither a pet problem nor a people problem. It was a poverty problem.” The Dog Lady’s revolutionary power stems from leaning into the intersection of comprehensive social justice work and pet rescue efforts, and the author draws considerable narrative force from following her subject into that intersection. The text shows both Mithers and Weise confronting systemic issues like racism, housing costs, and the failure of social safety nets, simultaneously stirring outrage, stimulating compassion, and suggesting a better understanding of how to help people living in poverty care for the pets they love.

An engrossing, inspiring read for lovers of dogs and humans alike.

Pub Date: Aug. 20, 2024

ISBN: 9781640095984

Page Count: 304

Publisher: Counterpoint

Review Posted Online: May 15, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: June 15, 2024

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An ebullient nature lover’s paean to birds.

A charming bird journey with the bestselling author.

In his introduction to Tan’s “nature journal,” David Allen Sibley, the acclaimed ornithologist, nails the spirit of this book: a “collection of delightfully quirky, thoughtful, and personal observations of birds in sketches and words.” For years, Tan has looked out on her California backyard “paradise”—oaks, periwinkle vines, birch, Japanese maple, fuchsia shrubs—observing more than 60 species of birds, and she fashions her findings into delightful and approachable journal excerpts, accompanied by her gorgeous color sketches. As the entries—“a record of my life”—move along, the author becomes more adept at identifying and capturing them with words and pencils. Her first entry is September 16, 2017: Shortly after putting up hummingbird feeders, one of the tiny, delicate creatures landed on her hand and fed. “We have a relationship,” she writes. “I am in love.” By August 2018, her backyard “has become a menagerie of fledglings…all learning to fly.” Day by day, she has continued to learn more about the birds, their activities, and how she should relate to them; she also admits mistakes when they occur. In December 2018, she was excited to observe a Townsend’s Warbler—“Omigod! It’s looking at me. Displeased expression.” Battling pesky squirrels, Tan deployed Hot Pepper Suet to keep them away, and she deterred crows by hanging a fake one upside down. The author also declared war on outdoor cats when she learned they kill more than 1 billion birds per year. In May 2019, she notes that she spends $250 per month on beetle larvae. In June 2019, she confesses “spending more hours a day staring at birds than writing. How can I not?” Her last entry, on December 15, 2022, celebrates when an eating bird pauses, “looks and acknowledges I am there.”

An ebullient nature lover’s paean to birds.

Pub Date: April 23, 2024

ISBN: 9780593536131

Page Count: 320

Publisher: Knopf

Review Posted Online: Jan. 19, 2024

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Feb. 15, 2024

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A top-notch political memoir and serious exercise in practical politics for every reader.

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In the first volume of his presidential memoir, Obama recounts the hard path to the White House.

In this long, often surprisingly candid narrative, Obama depicts a callow youth spent playing basketball and “getting loaded,” his early reading of difficult authors serving as a way to impress coed classmates. (“As a strategy for picking up girls, my pseudo-intellectualism proved mostly worthless,” he admits.) Yet seriousness did come to him in time and, with it, the conviction that America could live up to its stated aspirations. His early political role as an Illinois state senator, itself an unlikely victory, was not big enough to contain Obama’s early ambition, nor was his term as U.S. Senator. Only the presidency would do, a path he painstakingly carved out, vote by vote and speech by careful speech. As he writes, “By nature I’m a deliberate speaker, which, by the standards of presidential candidates, helped keep my gaffe quotient relatively low.” The author speaks freely about the many obstacles of the race—not just the question of race and racism itself, but also the rise, with “potent disruptor” Sarah Palin, of a know-nothingism that would manifest itself in an obdurate, ideologically driven Republican legislature. Not to mention the meddlings of Donald Trump, who turns up in this volume for his idiotic “birther” campaign while simultaneously fishing for a contract to build “a beautiful ballroom” on the White House lawn. A born moderate, Obama allows that he might not have been ideological enough in the face of Mitch McConnell, whose primary concern was then “clawing [his] way back to power.” Indeed, one of the most compelling aspects of the book, as smoothly written as his previous books, is Obama’s cleareyed scene-setting for how the political landscape would become so fractured—surely a topic he’ll expand on in the next volume.

A top-notch political memoir and serious exercise in practical politics for every reader.

Pub Date: Nov. 17, 2020

ISBN: 978-1-5247-6316-9

Page Count: 768

Publisher: Crown

Review Posted Online: Nov. 15, 2020

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Dec. 15, 2020

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