Three months after their home planet, Meridian, was attacked by the alien organization known as the Covenant, Evie, Victor, Dorian, and Saskia finish up their training with the Office of Naval Intelligence at Tuomi Base.
ONI assigns the teens to return to Meridian to act as guides for the militia team based there. The teens know the terrain and the underground tunnels that run through the town of Brume-sur-Mer, making them a major asset. With the help of Spartan supersoldier Owen-B096 they manage to sabotage the Covenant’s digging equipment and retrieve the artifact that originally brought the Covenant to Meridian. It reveals a map leading to the northern city of Annecy. Once they arrive, woefully unprepared, they discover what the artifact was leading them to—and it produces more questions than answers. In the end, the group has to make a drastic decision in order to stay alive. Clarke’s (HALO, 2018 etc.) second installment is another adventure story full of twists and turns, best for readers familiar with the previous title. Some character growth provides an added layer of interest to this plot-driven suspense story. As before, diversity is indicated through names. Fans of “Halo” will enjoy seeing the world come to life.
Readers who enjoy guns-blazing action will fly through this book.
(Science fiction. 12-18)