Exploration- dogs- a boy in a man's role, these are popular ingredients, and this fictionized story of Amundsen's discovery of the South Pole has them all. One could wish that Charles Strong, whose own adventurous life should provide many an exciting true story, had not submerged a good yarn in somewhat uncoordinated factual minutiae..Nils Paulson, bored with the peaceful forest lands of his native Norway, gets the chance to go with his idolised Amundsen on the famous 1911 expedition, as one of those responsible for the dogs. With Nils, the reader follows the meticulous preparation for the voyage, the inexplicable procedure while the goal is still presumably the Arctic, then the news of the actual purpose, arrival in strange Antarctic waters, exhausting trials and set-backs, treacherous ice floes and unpredictable barriers -- and finally the thrilling moment of achievement. Particularly appealing to boys who love dogs are the details of the training and conditioning of the tough breeds of the North- with a highlighting of the devotion between Nils and his beloved husky. Details of the topography -- the somewhat text-booky approach -- the sentimental characterization -- the stilted conversation will make this duller going than the essential substance warrants.