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MILKWEED FOR MONARCHS by Christine Van Zandt


by Christine Van Zandt ; illustrated by Alejandra Barajas

Pub Date: Feb. 6th, 2024
ISBN: 9781506489308
Publisher: Beaming Books

Migrating monarch butterflies must have milkweed.

This colorful title presents the development of monarch butterflies, from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to flight and migration. Van Zandt uses a dual text—lyrical quatrains supplemented by exposition in a smaller typeface—set on bright, animation-style illustrations. A female monarch returns from a southern winter to seek out a place to lay her eggs. The author emphasizes the butterfly’s need for milkweed to provide for the next generation. What stands out are the in-depth, step-by-step descriptions and illustrations of the stages of the monarch’s development. Notably, Van Zandt mentions the ways milkweed defends itself against monarch caterpillars. Beginning with a panorama of monarchs leaving, presumably, Mexico or California, Barajas then uses close-up angles to show details of the egg laying and hatching, the changing caterpillar and chrysalis colors, and a newly hatched butterfly’s crumpled wings, ending with a smaller group of monarchs flying away. Early on, Van Zandt makes clear that monarch migration extends over four generations. She ends with a note describing her own developing interest in monarchs, the threats they face (including habitat loss, which makes finding milkweed more challenging), ways young readers can help, and fun facts about butterfly senses. This is familiar ground in picture books as well as early science education, but it’s an engaging introduction nonetheless.

Informative in both pictures and words.

(bibliography) (Informational picture book. 4-8.)