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BRISINGR by Christopher Paolini


From the Inheritance Cycle series, volume 3

by Christopher Paolini

Pub Date: Sept. 20th, 2008
ISBN: 9780375826726
Publisher: Knopf

The epic (length) fantasy begun in Eragon (2003) treads water for 58 chapters.

As the Varden alliance, held together with difficulty by its hard-nosed leader, Nasuada, maneuvers toward a head-to-head confrontation with the dauntingly puissant king Galbatorix, Eragon and Roran, his cousin, engage both together and separately in a series of set piece raids, quests, rescues, sieges, and missions, including pursuit of Katrina, Roran’s betrothed who was taken by the Ra’zac. Eragon emerges with a revelation about his origins and a new sword that has the sometimes-inconvenient habit of bursting into flames whenever its (titular) name is mentioned. As events move toward a large but not climactic battle, yet more matches—between Eragon and Murtagh, his dragon-riding sibling, and between Eragon and yet another magically created Shade—signal that the wells of authorial creativity may be running low. In any case, though too much of the prose runs to mannered lines like “from the Crags of Tel’naeír, Saphira flew low over the swaying forest until she arrived at the clearing wherein stood the Menoa tree,” the standard for invective remains high—as with, “you failed to mention that those errant flesh-mongers, those gore-bellied, boggle-minded idiot-worshipers were cannibals”—and several women in the cast rival the men for strength of character as well as martial and magical skills. Let Galbatorix and his enslaved minions beware!

A patchy, ponderous place holder—though a mighty fan base ensures no lack of readership.

(map, pronunciation guide, glossary) (Heroic fantasy. 12-15)