After expensive schooling off-planet, Delanna Milleflores returns to planet Keramos intending to stay just long enough to settle her recently deceased mother's estate. But, thanks to Keramos's weird laws, Delanna finds that, in order to inherit, she must live on the estate until the legalities are completed; worse, she's legally married to the estate's co-owner, Sonny Tanner! Dismissing Sonny as a bumpkin, Delanna flirts with handsome wolf Jay Madog while reluctantly making arrangements to travel to Milleflores—some 5,000 miles distant. Despite various adventures and embarrassments, Delanna arrives at Milleflores realizing that Sonny, though uneducated, is intelligent and hardworking; by contrast, her mother was a rude, idle snob—and whatever profits Sonny managed to squeeze out were sent to Delanna at school, to waste on expensive clothes and parties. Further complications include Delanna's illegally imported pet, the local wildlife, storms, and the omnipresent Jay. Light, amusing, and well worked out: a vast improvement over the wretched Light Raid (1989).