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THE BUDDHA AND THE BEE by Cory Mortensen


by Cory Mortensen

Pub Date: Aug. 10th, 2020
ISBN: 9781735498126

A memoir chronicles one man’s bicycling journey across the western United States.

On August 22, 2001, Mortensen began a 2,000-mile trek from his father’s home in Chaska, Minnesota, to Truckee, California, on his 1999 Specialized Allez bike. Eschewing a planned route or timeline, and even proper equipment, he threw caution to the wind and hit the open road. Three days in, he wanted to quit. After pushing on, he would be chased by a pack of dogs, narrowly avoid a possible kidnapping, and fix too many flat tires to count—all while taking in the Rocky Mountains, the Great Salt Lake Desert, and the Sierra Nevadas and singlehandedly keeping small-town Subway restaurants in business. At the end of the journey, he found the courage to leave his desk job and use his savings to spend his time traveling: “On the road, no one asked anything of me. I was…coasting, looking, hearing, smelling, seeing. I picked and chose what was important. I had never before had such control over who I was or wasn’t.” Mortensen’s storytelling perfectly captures the casually intimate tone of a spontaneous conversation with a stranger. Intriguingly, the sense of freedom he describes feels like a thing of the past. Without a cell phone, he could only communicate with his loved ones via pay phones and library computers; he heard of the 9/11 attacks from passing cyclers while biking over the Rocky Mountains. Mortensen also spent his days cycling through ghost towns founded during the westward expansion of the 19th century, and, like every good travel writer, he’s a master at capturing forgotten places at specific moments in time. Travel takes on greater significance with the past as a backdrop; the book has a personalized feel to it thanks to the addition of historical anecdotes, along with photos Mortensen snapped along the way.

A humorous, insightful book for readers who enjoy the outdoors and tales of pursuing one’s dreams.