In an alternate London in which colonialism never existed, the Ark holds the promise of salvation, but at what cost?
Markriss Denny grows up in the city of Dinium, dominated by the Ark, built to provide sanctuary from the crumbling, polluted world outside. For most, admission to the Ark is an impossibility, but Markriss’ mother pushes him to succeed in school, a pursuit that distances him from Nesta, his best friend, but does result in a one-way ticket to the Inner City. There, Markriss learns that the Ark is not the haven advertised, that it contains deep inequalities that mirror the world outside. Markriss, nevertheless, is content with the role laid out for him until a strange encounter on the astral plane—similar to ones he experienced as a child—reveals that he has a rare ability to "move between spiritual and physical states." He's told by an ancestor that there's another being like himself, but one who's evil, whose existence threatens everything. Given the task of finding this "dark spirit," Markriss begins a journey between parallel Londons. Incorporating African cosmology, and in particular Kemetism, Newland explores a noncolonial London that adopted African beliefs and values, juxtaposing this alternate—yet also flawed—London with our own. On the heady levels of twisting timelines and spirit planes, this novel excels, revealing Markriss in all the worlds he traverses. There is little time left, however, to explore his connection to other characters, including the pivotal women in his life and Nesta. This is an ambitiously imagined book that, by removing the European lens on African cultures, creates a new reality that allows us to question how we view our own.
Complex and multilayered, this novel opens the door to the possibilities of noncolonial worlds.