It is not every radio script that will stand the scrutiny given to the printed page. It is still rare to find broadcast talks that really should be widely broadcast in printed form. This series of radio broadcasts is an exception, as those familiar with Dean Lewis' earliest series published under the title The Case of Christianity would expect. It is an exception because the author is an exceptional writer whose approach to religious and moral subjects is so original and fresh and arresting. These who read The Screw Tape Letters will not soon forget them nor the case made therein for Christianity by the testimony of the Devil. These are talks in which the author seems not to be preaching at us but chatting with us in colloquial yet vivid language about some of the Christian virtues; prudence, temperance, chastity, charity, hope, faith and love. These are old-fashioned words but the Dean of Magdalen College makes them live for today by his straight-from-the-shoulder and stimulating presentation.