When a ruthless queen attempts to banish a mysterious coterie of magic-wielding sisters, the youngest of them develops an intricate plan of revenge in this spin on “Cinderella.”
Each member of Entente has a distinct magical gift, but Farrow, the youngest member of the collective, has difficulty managing hers. “My magic was late, not absent altogether,” something she reminds herself when her insecurities begin to simmer. The Entente is led by Les Soeurs, three sisters also known as the Fates—Past, Present, and Future—who guide the rulers of the Thirteen Queendoms. Entente members live apart from humans and even disguise themselves when visiting the royals they counsel. After the Burning (a public attack directed by Queen Magrit against magic) destroys the Entente, young Farrow, the sole survivor, is left alone in an orphanage. She’s serendipitously plucked to accept a lowly position in the palace, where she longs to carry out her revenge. With plans of retribution, Farrow, who has light-brown skin and curly dark hair, finds refuge in the legendary Enchanted Forest, determined to regain her magic. Prolific, bestselling YA novelist Paige presents an original backstory in which Cinderella’s fairy godmother becomes the brooding protagonist at the heart of her own story. The writing is lively, even as Farrow ruminates on morality and makes vengeance her purpose.
This sprawling, action-packed origin story, layered in mystique, will pull readers into its fascinating world.
(Fantasy. 12-17)